Tamil Nadu is a state of mystical beauties, natural landscapes, and, of course, the majestic Rameshwaram temple. From celebrities to the common masses, the temple receives a lot of tourist attention each year. 

Apart from ruling hearts with its mesmerizing natural beauty, the temple is also popular for its theological and historical dominance. If you are wondering what to do at Rameshwaram, well, we have great news for you. 

There is a list of fun-filled activities that will surely make you a fan of this destination. So, don’t go anywhere and keep reading this informative guide till the end. 

Historical Importance Of The Rameshwaram Temple

Historical Importance Of The Rameshwaram Temple

The mystical worship land, Rameshwaram, is among one the 12 Jyotirlingas in the Indian subcontinent. Jyotirlingas are considered the most sacred worship places where people have witnessed Lord Shiva appearing himself. This particular form of the deity is seen as a tall light column which is why it is named “Jyotirling.”

Besides being the Jyotirling, this temple is also a reputed name among the “Chaar Dhaam” Yatra or the tour of 4 religious places of Hindus. These are located in various parts of the country. In the Hindu religion, these 4 destinations hold a special place, and they aspire to visit them once in their lifetime. 

The Chaar Dhaam begins with Puri in Orisha, to the Rameshwaram temple darshan following Dwarka, and ends in Badrinath. The said temple is also one of the Paadal Petra Sthalams among the 275 ones. These are the places where Appar, Tirugana Sambandar, and Sundarar, the three Saivite saints, sang and praised Lord Shiva.

In Tamil, the term “thevalam” indicates a garland full of divine songs. On the other hand, “Paadal Petra Sthalam” denotes those temples which have been stated in thevalams. Representing a testimony to the legendary Ramayan, devotees still get to see floating stones by which Lord Rama built a bridge extending to Sri Lanka. However, it is most prevalent near Dhanushkodi. 

Things To Do At The Rameshwaram Temple

Check out our small guide on the things that are doable if you have visited the Rameshwaram Temple.

Visit The Ramanathaswamy Temple

Visit the Ramanathaswamy Temple

Encompassing the essence and aura of the Rameshwaram Temple, the Ramanathaswamy is dedicated to the remembrance of Lord Shiva. The temple boasts intricate architecture as well as the longest corridor out of all Indian temples. Thus, it is a must-visit for religious believers as well as history buffs. 

Location ➼ Rameshwaram Island
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ 5 AM- 1 PM and 3 PM-9 PM
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 7 KM

Dhanushkodi Beach

Dhanushkodi Beach

This mesmerizing beach is situated at the confluence of the Indian Ocean and the Bay Of Bengal. Moreover, it is a perfect spot for photographers as well as nature admirers. The isolated Dhanushkodi town combines a mysterious touch with this picturesque location. It is accessible by the Rameshwaram temple nearest railway station. 

Location ➼ Dhanushkodi
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ Open 24 hours
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 2 KM

Agni Theertham

Agni Theertham

Considered one of the sacred baths among the 64, Agni Theertam is popular for the healing powers it possesses. Located on the shores of the Bay Of Bengal, this serene destination is dedicated to tourists as well as pilgrims. Those who want to take a path to salvation or desire to cleanse themselves must visit the Agni Theertam. 

Location ➼ Close Proximity to the Ramanathaswamy Temple
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ Open 24 hours
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 8 KM

Gandamadana Parvatham

Gandamadana Parvatham

The divine hillock is home to various shrines where the footprints of Lord Rama have been found. The destination is a must-visit for those who seek to have a 360-degree view of the great Rameshwaram temple. Apart from spiritual followers, nature enthusiasts can also visit this. 

Location ➼ Rameshwaram Island
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ 7 AM to 1 PM & 3 PM to 6 PM
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 4 KM

Pamban Bridge

Pamban Bridge

One of the most intriguing facts about the Pamban Bridge is its engineering concoction. Here, you get to witness the mesmerizing panoramic visuals of the azure waters. The bridge is possibly the first sea bridge in India and offers an extraordinary feat of manual ingenuity. 

Location ➼ Pambam in Rameshwaram
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ Open 24 hours
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 12 KM

Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple

Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple

Panchmukhi, or the five-faced Hanuman temple, is a  unique place of worship. It features an unusual idol having five faces that symbolizes the different avatars of this deity. Moreover, the temple is also made from stones that are believed to be a part of the floating bridge, Ram Setu, and can be accessed easily by Rameshwaram temple near airport. 

Location ➼ Rameshwaram Island
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 2 KM

Villoondi Theertham

Villoondi Theertham

The Villoondi Theertam is no less than a quaint beach that oozes freshwater springs originating from the adjoining sea. Moreover, it is the perfect destination for those who love to sit by the sea and enjoy the sunset with a refreshing sea breeze. 

Location ➼ Rameshwaram Island 
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ Open 24 hours
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 3 KM

Jada Theertham

Jada Theertham

The mystical pond of Jada Theertam is encompassed by lush greenery, which holds immense dominance on the spiritual part. It is a common belief that this was the same place where Lord Rama cleansed himself after ending Ravana’s life. In this holy water, you can take a dip and wash away all your sins.

Location ➼ Rameshwaram Island 
Entry Fee➼ Free 
Timings➼ 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Proximity to Rameshwaram Temple➼ 5 KM

The Bottom Line

As much as the name denotes, Rameshwaram is a land of spiritual, natural, and historical importance. For ages, it has captured the attention of innumerable tourists that visit here in large chunks. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and visit the Rameshwaram temple either alone or with your family.

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