Florence certainly needs no introduction. This city represents one of the most famous and most sought-after destinations in Italy; also known as the cradle of the Renaissance, Florence is a real jewel in the heart of Tuscany. For these very reasons, if you want to plan a vacation in Italy, one of the key cities to visit is this one. 

Below are some suggestions that you can treasure to enjoy a wonderful vacation.

Where to stay in Florence

Florence is a city that can be visited perfectly on foot. In fact, its historic center is quite intimate and all the attractions it holds can be reached simply by walking. Precisely for this reason, the best advice you can follow is to choose your accommodation right in the center, so that you have everything at your fingertips. In the central hotels, then, you can enjoy beautiful Duomo suites Florence with a view, the best to totally experience this incredible city!

What to Eat in Florence?

If you want to experience Italian food culture, you have to visit Florence, Tuscany. With the earthy flavors of the food, you get delicious food. Starting from vegetables including cabbage and beans, you get a heavy stew called acquacotta. 

When you travel to Firenze, you get diverse food options such as succulent beef, olives, and different kinds of herbs. It is one of the classics though, you cannot miss the Florentine Steak. The origin of this dish is from the time of Medici.

During the celebration, the thick-cut T-bone steak was grilled and served in large quantities for the lords. Then I would suggest II Peposo, the Tuscan stew which is traditional and consists of sharp spices and flavor. You also have to taste Panino al Lampredotto, a delicious sandwich which is made with the fourth stomach of a cow.

Tips to Remember While Travelling to Italy!

Tips to Remember While Travelling to Italy!

The most important thing to consider is when you are traveling across Italy, the best way to travel is by train. You can enjoy the places while you travel via train because the journey will be detailed and cheap. Across Italy, there is an extensive network of trains which you can take to visit cities like Florence, Venice and Rome.

The inter-city trains and regional services are quite intricate which connect small towns as cities. So, the primary tip to remember is to book high-speed trains in advance. Other bookings should also be done in advance along with validating your ticket.

Another important tip that I will offer you is to bring cash! You must have cash when you are traveling in Florence because there are several places where you will need cash. It is not a city which is very comfortable with online transactions. You will still experience the old-world charm. 

Please beware of pickpockets as that can be a serious concern for you. If you lose all your money, it can be difficult for you to travel and enjoy yourself. At times, the temperature of the city can go high so please dress appropriately. If you are someone who is quite sensitive to the sun, you need to cover yourself.

Florence is a place that is perfect to enjoy the best of both worlds! You have to try gelato even though it is a common word for ice cream. However, gelato is a special kind of dessert with a high proportion of cream along with some portions of milk. A lot of people add cappuccino to the gelato!

What to know before your visit

Before we focus on the things that must be seen in Florence, it is worth bearing in mind a few tips that are sure to come in handy throughout your trip and that could greatly enhance this experience of yours in Italy.

1. Plan to spend a few extra days in the city

Florence is such a beautiful city that almost always those who visit have a hard time leaving it. If your ideal plans call for a certain number of days to be spent here, always consider adding at least two or three more days: this way you will not only be able to visit Florence more leisurely and relaxed, but you will also have the opportunity to dwell more on the attractions that have impressed you most. In addition, you can also find time to devote to a nearby city with a day trip.

2. Plan ahead to save more time

Like all cities that are touristy and full of stories to tell, Florence can be super crowded. This inevitably results in endless lines to visit museums and attractions, and queues even in restaurants. To avoid all this you can make use of the very convenient skip-the-line tickets and make reservations in advance for the restaurants where you want to eat, so you don’t risk running out of seats.

3. Take advantage of free attractions

On the first Sunday of the month, some museums in Florence are completely free. If you don’t have flexibility regarding dates, you can try to plan your trip so that it covers just the first Sunday of the month.

10 places in Florence you absolutely must visit

places in Florence you absolutely must visit

Now that you know where to stay in Florence and have treasured all the helpful tips for making the most of your made-in-Italy vacation, you can start pinning these 10 must-see stops in Florence on your travel wishlist.

1. The Duomo of Florence

No vacation in Florence is complete without a visit to the Cathedral. This architectural marvel is the highest expression of Renaissance art in Tuscany, flanked by its splendid Dome and the other two treasures of Piazza Duomo: 

  • Giotto’s Bell Tower;
  • the Baptistery of San Giovanni. 

Reach the Duomo for fabulous views from the top of its dome!

This is one of the most famous art places not only in Florence but in the whole world. No matter if you are an art buff or not, the Uffizi Gallery is a stop you must necessarily make if you don’t want to miss a very important piece of this city. Inside you can find world-famous works such as Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and other masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giotto, Tiziano, and many, many other artists.

Another place you absolutely must visit is the Accademia Gallery. Here the absolute star of the scene is the original statue of Michelangelo’s David, an absolute masterpiece of art that everyone should see at least once in a lifetime. In fact, you should know that the ones you can see in other parts of the city, such as Piazza della Signoria or Piazzale Michelangelo, are just copies.

4. The Medici Chapels

The Medici Chapels are the burial place of the Medici family. Today they are a state museum where you can admire splendid frescoes and especially the New Sacristy, the work of Michelangelo. They are part of the monumental complex of San Lorenzo, among the most beautiful in the city.

5. Piazzale Michelangelo

Piazzale Michelangelo is the perfect spot to reach if you want to admire one of the most beautiful views in the city. Of course, it will definitely not be a place to seek intimacy (it is one of the most famous and beloved ever), but it is worth reaching because the view from here is truly exceptional.

6. Boboli Garden

This is one of the historic stops to include in your Florence itinerary. It is a park linked to the Pitti Palace, which began as a Medici garden. Inspired by the Palace of Versailles, it is one of the city’s most beautiful gardens, full of works of art nestled among striking holm oaks and fountains.

7. The Central Market

In addition to being home to art and some of Italy’s most important historical monuments, Florence is also a city of good food. To experience the food and wine culture of this city to the fullest, don’t just sit at the table of a good Italian restaurant; head to the Mercato Centrale, it will give you the chance to enjoy wine, street food, and local specialties straight from the vendors’ stalls.

8. Ponte Vecchio

Ponte Vecchio is now the emblem par excellence of Florence. With its jewelry shops and romantic glimpses of the Arno, it takes the top spot on the list of must-see places in the city. You can reach it in the morning, to admire it in the almost complete absence of tourists, or in the evening, to indulge in a pleasant post-dinner stroll.

9. Santa Maria Novella

Among the most important squares in Florence is Santa Maria Novella, where you can find the church of the same name. This is definitely one of the most beautiful and distinctive, and inside it holds works by Masaccio, Brunelleschi, Botticelli, and Giotto. It is located near the Central Station, so it is very easy to reach even for those arriving from outside Florence.

10. Santo Spirito Square

Finally, if you are looking for a picturesque and less emblazoned corner, you can go to Piazza Santo Spirito. It is located in the Oltrarno and is the meeting point for young people and artists. During the day you can find markets and people strolling here, while at night the area comes alive thanks to the nightclubs, cafes, and small restaurants that start to fill up with people. A place not to be missed to get to know another face of Florence as well!


In Short, after you have read about the places to visit in Florence along with the different ways in which you can make your trip memorable. I have shared tips with you which will make your trip much smoother.

Furthermore, I have also shared with you some of the best food places that you must visit to experience the deliciousness of the place. The food culture and the local art are intertwined in the city.

comment on what you think people should visit Florence at least once in their lifetime!

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Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on travel, lifestyle, and beauty, among other genres.

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